Oumayma Boumhali, Class of 2017
On a cold November night, I saw
A girl with a blue cashmere coat
Escorted by a broken umbrella Leaving an old music venue
Bearing contradictions of a homeland
And undressing her short black hair
Unconcerned by the rain
Gracefully guided by the lonely street lamps
But when the music got lost
The girl with the blue cashmere coat
Suddenly stopped
Like an unforgiven Sunday afternoon
Purposely drawing her shade on the road
She was drunk on her own thoughts
And could barely remember to walk
Caught between the warmth of her coat
And the unpredictable weather
She gave in to the closest wall
She, who only knew living under the sun,
Was humbled by the dark
Failing to know
That the light that betrayed her
Was sacrificed for her renaissance
I shall surrender to my melodramatic euphoria
And advertise pleasure
In the sophistication of your betrayal
I shall authorize the sensuality of hatred
In the charm of your eyes
In the name of the fires in me
I shall give in to the complexities of fantasy
And the absurdity of lust
Where I am your only musical instrument
Seeking the harm of a solicity
I shall be drunk on solfege
Selflessly sinking in the poetry of my words
Summarizing hectic dreams
In the blank space between your arms
And the possessive silence
That I see in your eyes
I’d like to withdraw my memories
And apologize to the nudity of my feelings
For a passion left indiscrete
And words left unexplained
I shall be an angry wave breaking on the seashore
Of a cold skin and a selfish touch
Crucified by a westerly wind
Brutally injured, but not dead
I shall suffer the fragility of my acts
And the thirst for a voyage
Forever incomplete
Forever pleading guilty
For sins, yet to be committed
Am I drunk? you asked.
Am I high?
Yes, I am
Drunk it is, in a world full of sobriety I am drunk and high
And my substances are far more dangerous
Far more destructive
Prompting an imagination
So vivid, so uncanny
I am drunk on sentiment
And high on thoughts
Of a being, provoked by questioning,
Silenced by a desire to feel
In all brutal and calm forms
Oh yes, I am drunk, and do not wish to sober up
So, let me Let me drink of my glass, and yours
And that of others,
It’s just standing there,
No one is drinking it anyways
Never leave a glass full,
Empty it, empty the whole bottle
And then have some more if you wish
Sobriety is dull
Let us all be drunk,
Drunk on life, on silence
Drunk on the foreign music
Composed of notes we don’t understand
Let it speak to us
There is no place else we need to be
But now, and here
At the gaze of our own being
And yes, I am high,
High on you
High on us,
High on the complexity of belonging
Quietly assumed by a tango
We shared
High on an instance of surrender
In which our bodies are mapped together
Becoming one single continent
A country we never visited
So, let us be,
Yet but another apology
To a world sobered up by greed Let us be drunk
Let us get high ...

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