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Alumni Leaders : 8 Tips to Lead the Next Generation




Do you have what it takes to be a leader of the present & Future? 

Wadia Ait Hamza, Class of 2005

The last few years have forced many around the world into a new way of working based on trust, empathy and collaboration. With a new generation entering the workforce, team leaders are not only encouraged to change the way they lead their teams but are somehow forced to adapt and redefine what leadership means to them and to their collaborators. 

The new generation who is joining the job market for the first time is very different from the baby boomers or even the millennials. They care more about having a sense of purpose and having a positive impact on society and the environment. 

According to a recent Global Shapers Survey report, which featured the views of 30,000 people aged 18 to 35, young people feel that they are perceived as lazy, impatient and entitled and, as they are known as the “job-hopping generation, “care little for work. The data, however, shows a different picture: the top two most important criteria for young people when considering job opportunities are “salary/financial compensation “(49.3%) and “sense of purpose/impact on society “(40.6%). 

Youth’s desire to contribute to improve the state of the world will have to be matched with leaders who are capable of dealing with VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity and matching with the new VUCA: Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility 

Here are eight traits needed in modern leaders: 

1. Have a clear vision 

Not all managers are leaders, and not all leaders are managers. The main difference between the two categories is that managers have objectives, while leaders have a vision. In general, managers are selected to manage people and de facto become the boss, usually because they excelled in doing the work they were trained for. However, they are not necessarily trained for the job of leading people. 

Managers are usually left on their own to become leaders. Leaders should have a clear understanding of themselves, know their strengths and weaknesses and dedicate an important share of their efforts to learning and continue building their capacity. By focusing on setting a vision and showing a desire to improve, grow and inspire, leaders look at the future beyond the short goals and obstacles, thus helping them to persevere and bring everyone along. 

2. Be proactive 

A few years ago, leaders had the luxury to wait to get at least 80% of the necessary information before making decisions. Unfortunately, this has become impossible with the flow of information surrounding us today. 

Today, leaders can’t afford to wait for the relevant needed information; they must be prepared to act with whatever amount of information they can gather. Leaders who are not afraid of leading in ambiguity while supporting their teams are those who can deliver success. Now it’s more about the fast fish eating the slow fish rather than the big fish eating small fish. 

3. Develop your team 

More than 70% of a leader’s time should be spent in managing people and finding ways to develop them. Simon Sinek in one of his talks shared that "Leaders are concerned about their status or position within the organization that they for- get their real job. Their real job is not being in charge but taking care of those in our charge."

The primary role of a leader is to make sure that their team members have the resources and the capacity to do their jobs while thinking about ways to create synergies between the team members. It’s important also to note that personal and professional development is crucial in developing a strong team, thus should be a priority in leading a healthy team. 

4. Mentor your successor 

It is often believed that if managers are doing a good job, then they should stay in the same position forever. Managers often thus maintain the status quo, which is not acceptable in today’s world. Innovation, creativity and agility are the core business of a manager. 

Leaders doing a good job are the ones who are training their colleagues to take over. I truly believe that, in any organization, life positions should be abolished moving forward. Leaders should be challenged in new positions, or at least get more responsibility, and, thus, be pushed outside of their comfort zones vertically and horizontally. 

5. Create a safe space 

It is important to build a safe space for the whole team, a space where everyone is valued and where they can feel true to themselves. It is the duty of leaders to create a safe space where their colleagues are not afraid to share their disagreement and are allowed to challenge the leaders. 

Part of creating the safe space is attributing success to the team and taking responsibility and blame for failure. If there’s a fail, it’s the leaders’ fault. If there’s a success, it’s thanks to the team’s hard work. It’s as simple as that. 

6. Don’t micromanage 

What happens when leaders are away? The power of a successful team can be known when the leaders are not in the office. Is the manager contacted for every single decision? Are the teams taking full charge of their responsibility? Do they have the guts to make decisions? Will leaders back their team’s decisions once back? 

A successful team should have the capacity to function even when their leader is not around and should be able to make decisions within their sphere and job description. 

7. Give productive feedback 

Leaders should always share honest feedback with their colleagues. Effective communication is a crucial trait of a leader. Different feedbacks have different effects on people. Adapting the language and the words to every colleague is important to communicate the vision within the capability and task of every single person. Detailed or general feedback focusing on one group of people at the expense of others, might leave some members of the team behind. 

In the same line, there should open channels of productive feedback between all members of the team. Leaders should also crave feedback, as it’s their tool to develop themselves. 

8. Be a follower 

The best leaders are the best followers. When entrusting anyone with a responsibility, a leader is also a person who knows how to step down and follow others’ leadership. 

For many decades, we were told that leaders were born as such. Later, we were told that titles make some leaders. However, I truly believe that every person is a leader in their own way. The way we cultivate the energy and efforts of colleagues and friends is what make them shine and thrive in creating long lasting positive change. 

In a whole, we should look at leadership as a process through which a team works towards an inspiring vision, beyond individuals. In Switzerland for example, I am sure that only few can name the President, simply because leadership is the work of a team of seven people rather than an individual. 

So, what’s the future of leadership? Through the work of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community and the Forum of Young Global Leaders, we’ve seen a shift in how young people are craving for opportunities to learn but also to engage the older generations to create long lasting impact through meaningful partnerships and cross generation work. Young people, with their passion and engagement, are embodying a new generation of leaders who have the vision, the courage and the influence to drive change and do the necessary to improve the state of the world.


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