“I believe this magazine is going to be a great opportunity for alumni to take a step back, reflect on how things have evolved (or not) within their carriers, and purposes in life”
Nisrine Elhsissen, Class of 2012
When I first heard about the launch of a newspaper for the AUI Alumni community, I was thrilled. It is indeed quite difficult to keep track of all the dynamics unfolding within the community, especially as, let’s admit it for the oldest, it now almost encompasses three generations of AUIers,
My dear friend Hamza came to me and asked if I could contribute to the first print. I initially was truly humbled and honored, but then realized I needed to answer with the attitude of someone who got a degree in journalism (because why else would he ask ME to contribute). I panicked. I had to remember every technical word, bring back the souvenirs of my 8 am class on News structure so I could ask him for more details on the "assignment".
With all the confidence he had in me, my dear friend replied “whatever you want” but “the sooner the better". Surely, being an adult with responsibilities doesn’t necessarily imply sharing a common definition of “soon “, so we agreed on a joint deadline.
With some spare time, I thought I could have the time to write something interesting. I even dared, with all my “forehead“or “jabha“, to ask if he wanted something informative or more investigation oriented, to which (and now I’m figuring out why he didn’t really bother to specify) he answered “wa anything you want“, just do it on time.
Yet here we are, on the date of the deadline, 2 pm, and I’m writing this poor story, hoping that it will be an acceptable way of upholding my part of the deal.
Maybe I’ll figure out once the first edition is out, that people did a good job writing on serious topics such as integration, building a start-up etc... Well, I could do that as well. Talk about integration, since I moved abroad three years ago. I could brag about the usual AUI super-skill of mastering procrastination and having a multicultural background that helps you fit everywhere, makes you look “special” among a group as you juggle with various identities, speak multiple languages... WRONG.
I landed in Geneva, the Capital of International Organizations, where the only special people are Swiss nationals, because they’re RARE and everyone comes from a multicultural back- ground (I haven’t met any in Geneva yet). So, the only thing that is required from you as a foreigner is to comply with local, historical, world-famous Swiss customs: Integrity, quality, PUNCTUALITY (it is not odd that they’re the world’s first watch makers).
It was finally time for me to admit that at some point in my life, anything I took for a granted sign of power, everything I thought was my strength (did I mention the art of bargaining?) was in reality a weakness, a possible barrier to any hope of future integration. I know, the AAA team will be reading these lines, thinking that one of the very few persons who actually studied journalism misread the assignment and threw an open pamphlet on their life, but they will sort it out in private... I hope so.
Regardless, I believe this magazine is going to be a great opportunity for alumni to take a step back, reflect on how things have evolved (or not) within their carriers, purposes in life, and how we each approached changes, sometimes profound ones, to achieve success and accept our failures, since we left our beloved University.
If anything, the one true Alumni skillset that I have used (sometimes over-used) for my well-being here, is the strong bond tying the AUI Community. The alumni I have met here are a true selection of the finest Akhawayn products, successful, perfectly integrated, high-level profiles on the Swiss professional landscape, and of course, kind, generous and welcoming people. I can’t thank all of them enough for helping me throughout this journey.
Morality of the story, although you are not doing really well in your field, at least you know someone who does and that’s already a step towards improvement.
Look, I’m even writing an article now!
PS:If anyone is tempted to ask how I overcame my lack of integrational tools such as punctuality, I obviously did not. Most of my friends around here are from similar or resembling backgrounds, so we share similar visions of flexibility.
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